During the month of March, I was finally able to show The Silent Year series at the Gatewood Gallery on the campus of UNC-Greensboro in Greensboro, NC. This body of work had never been shown before and I was thrilled to be able to be given this opportunity. The fact that it was shown at my alma mater is pure icing on the cake.
The Silent Year images were created during the pandemic and reflecting back on the three years since it was created, my relationship to it has morphed into something beyond what it was initially created about. This installation introduced several different mediums and mutations of the original series to activate and infuse energy into it in different ways.
The photographic labyrnth is something that I’ve wanted to create for many years and I couldn’t be happier that it was realized during this show with a whole lot of help from the wonderful students at UNC-G. There are also large scale silks to provide intimate spaces, a wall of 11 assemblages, a wall of hand colored images housed in folded reliquary shrines, prints and photo objects.