The beautiful intensity known as my grandson turned a year old a couple of days ago. He is an unsettlingly wise old soul with big brown eyes that penetrate into the very core of your being if you happen to catch his gaze....but that's seldom because…

The beautiful intensity known as my grandson turned a year old a couple of days ago. He is an unsettlingly wise old soul with big brown eyes that penetrate into the very core of your being if you happen to catch his gaze....but that's seldom because he's very busy unwinding life's mysteries on a perpetual basis. He has many things to explore and he's already behind schedule being the true Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon and  Mercury in Scorpio that he is.

I couldn't even begin to wonder about the depth of learning my daughter has had over this past year. She keeps those things close to her heart and she doesn't do the feels very comfortably. I imagine though, that this little guy of hers will daily challenge that approach.  I can see her grace permeating throughout her as only a young woman learning how to be a mother can embrace and it makes my heart explode with love and love and more love for her.

As for me, I have to acknowledge that Anne Lamott's book, Some Assembly Required,  has saved my life this past year. Anne never takes herself too seriously, but she is full of wisdom, humor and insight and she's not afraid to say fuck. For me, that's a perfect combination and it's one of the few books out in the world that talks about the personal journey of becoming a gram. Like a mantra, I repeat her words over and over....."We bless the full expression."