One of the many qualities that I love about my husband Tim is the way that he observes the world around him. Most days, he will bring me a treasure that he has discovered during his day...whether it's seed pods, rocks or dead birds dragonflies and butterflies, he will tenderly bring me amazing things that have captivated him knowing they will captivate me as well. Recently, we were in Chicago for a week. He had to work, but I got to play. Fortunately at night, we got to play together. While we were out walking in the thick fog one night in the heart of the city, Tim said "look at those wings". A bird had met its demise and all that remained was its wings laying in the gutter. I guess I would expect to see something like that in the rural area that we live in, but seeing the rawness of nature on the busy city streets really awakened me. Set against the city buzz, everything seemed to align once more and I was reminded of the connection we all have to one another and every living thing...even in the midst of the fast pace of city living and these impossibly disconnected times. It gave me hope.