June 2, 2017 dawn surratt unpredictable and ever changing...this is life. my show, the leaving, is opening on sunday and i am so thrilled. the work was born out of upheaval, loss and transition. it is deep, soul work. it is work that reflects the healing and the tenacity of the human spirit through grief and pain. the universe has an amazing sense of irony. on monday, tim's workplace burned to the ground. luckily no one was hurt. the sheer devastation of this loss has been surreal. i bear witness as he and his colleagues pick up the pieces with grace and guts, determined to rebuild once again. art and life perfectly mirrored. as i look into the eyes of my beautiful grandson, i am reminded that nothing stays the same. the only thing constant is change. we are told that grief comes in stages. they are not stages, they are feelings and we feel them as we work towards resolution. there are no right or wrongs, there are only choices. and when we least expect it, the intensity of grief will make itself known again and again, of this you can be sure. it is at that time that we do not dare to shame ourselves for “not getting over it” but realize that as life moves us, we move with it. because our worldview changes over time, grief will quietly demand us to revisit it and to glean different lessons. and it is in that way that we press forward…..feeling, learning, creating and kicking some ass.